
How to Deep Drop for Barrel Fish - A Rare Monster From the Deep | WAYPOINT

How to Deep Drop for Barrel Fish - A Rare Monster From the Deep | WAYPOINT

The Florida Everglades make up one of the most well-known and treasured American National Parks. They are also being “strangled” by water issues. Since the damming of the Kissimmee River, the Everglades’ primary source of freshwater, this beautiful fishery has seen “endangered wildlife populations, declining water quality, water mismanagement, [and] extensive urban and agricultural development,” according to Captains For Clean Water, a conservation organization dedicated to restoring the health and natural beauty of the Everglades. Read more on Waypoint…

2 Tricks for Fishing the Everglades and How to Help Keep Them Healthy | WAYPOINT

2 Tricks for Fishing the Everglades and How to Help Keep Them Healthy | WAYPOINT

The Florida Everglades make up one of the most well-known and treasured American National Parks. They are also being “strangled” by water issues. Since the damming of the Kissimmee River, the Everglades’ primary source of freshwater, this beautiful fishery has seen “endangered wildlife populations, declining water quality, water mismanagement, [and] extensive urban and agricultural development,” according to Captains For Clean Water, a conservation organization dedicated to restoring the health and natural beauty of the Everglades. Read more on Waypoint…

Power Pole | Total Boat Control

Power Pole | Total Boat Control

When Rich and I fish for easily spooked fish we like to get to a strategic location and then stake out there and cast for a bit before moving another 20-30 yards and repeating the process. In this case we use our Power-Poles to stop the boat while we wait for the fish to come within casting range. In some cases we will make enough blind casts to cover a stretch of shoreline or a bottom feature - like an oyster bar, sand hole or other structure.